Youth Sports When?

Everyone in the youth sports field is curious on when there will be a return to action. Here are some guidance and direction from the National Federation of High Schools, USA Volleyball, and an individual volleyball club’s plan for return for action.

Of course all this depends on schools being open in the fall.

In a nutshell there will be a lot more hurdles to jump through to get to a practice much less a game. There would be “stages” or “phases” before actual games could take place. For example, in phase one for volleyball: a player should not use a ball that has been touched or hit by another player in any manner. That limits a lot of practice/scrimmage/timing opportunities. Basketball players would have their own ball, probably at their own exclusive basket. There will be temperature checks before you are allowed into a facility. Face masks will be a requirement. Benches/seats would be eliminated. Standing would be the preferred method on the sidelines—in an assigned six foot space.

Everything will have to be cleaned afterwards from balls and equipment to the floor. Everything someone touches will need to be sanitized. As for the player, once they get home the clothing they wore at the practice will need to be immediately washed.

Bathrooms are a huge stumbling block right now.  Go before you leave or after when you get home. On site relief is not recommended. This will be a deal breaker.

Crowds? Forget about it. Only “essential” people (players/coaches/officials) allowed.

Transportation? With the proper distancing requirements there will need to be multiple buses. That doubles (or triples) a lot of budgets. Of course, you could just tell your team to meet at the site. That will eliminate many players that cannot drive—younger players and also less advantaged, less privileged players further separating the haves from the have nots.

Multiple team events that last from sunup to sundown? Don’t hold your breath. And this looks like the way it will be from the latest reports I have seen for another 12 months—–out to June 2021.


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